Migrating from ComplyOne API v1

The intent of this Migration Guide document is to help existing businesses seamlessly port their integrations with ComplyOne API v1 to ComplyOne API v2.

ComplyOne API v2 contain some breaking changes as a new feature is introduced to allow a public form profile to assign multiple organisation structures. Please refer to listed endpoints below on the modification required.

Endpoint Recommended Action
GET /profiles/search In the returned data result, OrganisationStructure field is now renamed to OrganisationStructures. The new field now returns array value.
GET /profiles/{profileid} In the returned data result, OrganisationStructure field is now renamed to OrganisationStructures. The new field now returns array value.
POST /profiles/publicform In the expected request payload, OrgStructureRelationshipId field is now renamed to OrgStructureRelationshipIds. The new field accepts array of guid as the value.
PUT /profiles/{id}/detail In the expected request payload, OrgStructureRelationshipId field is now renamed to OrgStructureRelationshipIds. The new field accepts array of guid as the value.