Migrating from ComplyOne API v2

The intent of this Migration Guide document is to help existing businesses seamlessly port their integrations with ComplyOne API v2 to ComplyOne API v3.

ComplyOne API v3 contain some breaking changes as some endpoints have been removed to provide simplicity around profile creation. Profile fields are now static, hence we are removing profile designer endpoints from the API.

Endpoint Recommended Action
GET /profileDesigners/record/{recordId}/customizableFields This endpoints has been removed. As of version 3.0, only 'Required Time' and 'Notification To' labels are customizable. Please refer to GET profiles/customLabels to retrieve custom field labels.
GET /profileDesigners/record/{recordId} This endpoints has been removed and not applicable anymore. Any reference to this endpoints can be safely removed.
PUT /profileDesigners/{id} This endpoints has been removed and not applicable anymore. Any reference to this endpoints can be safely removed.

Below are the list of static fields in a profile. You may use it as a reference if you have been displaying the profile fields to the user in version 2.0.

Field Name Label Additional Info
title Title
description Description
orgStructure Organisation Structure
complianceRecord Compliance Record
template Form
requiredTime Required Time This label is customizable in v3.0.
complianceType Compliance Type
asset Asset
areAllAnswersRequired Are all answers required?
file File
startDate Start Date Applicable to Scheduled Profile only
endDate End Date Applicable to Scheduled Profile only
scheduledItemFrequency Scheduled Item Frequency Applicable to Scheduled Profile only
notificationPriorNotice Notification Prior Notice Applicable to Scheduled Profile only
notificationTo Assigned To Applicable to Scheduled Profile only. This label is customizable in v3.0.