Resource Owner Password Credentials

When requesting an access token using the Resource Owner Password Credentials OAuth 2.0 authentication flow, you will need to make an HTTP POST request to Stems Accounts' token endpoint. This authentication flow lacks features such as Single-Sign-On and Single Logout. It is also one of the most vulnerable authentication flows because it requires the API Client to know a user's password. For this reason, we discourage the usage this authentication flow.

The request to the token endpoint MUST meet the following requirements:

Requirement Value
Schema HTTPS
Accept (request header) application/json
Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded

The request MUST also include the following url-encoded form data:

Key/Field Description
grant_type Required. The value must be set to password
username Required. Your user's email address
password Required. You user's password
client_id Required. The ID of your API Client. Refer to the Authentication Section to create an API Client
client_secret Required. The pre-configured secret of your API Client
scope Required. One or more scopes (separated by a space) that have been already pre-configured for the API Client. Note, if you need to request a Refresh Token you should include the offline_access scope

A typical request to the token endpoind using the Resource Owner Password Credentials flow would look like the example below:

POST /auth/connect/token HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


A successful response to the above request will look like the following JSON output:

    "access_token": "ad8e51c5a981bb821cfd77cc52154ad0", 
    "expires_in": 1800,
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "refresh_token": "a497b7a990bbff512fe90efd395d09fa"

The above response returns an Access Token that you will need to authenticate all requests to Comply One API. It also returns a expires_in field which represents the total amount of seconds till expiration of the access token.

If your API Client was setup with the offline_access scope and you included that scope in the token request, the above response will also return a refresh_token property in the JSON response. Because the access token lifetime is very short (usually 30 minutes), you can use the Refresh Token to refresh (renew) the access token without needing to use your user name and password again. The next section, Refreshing a token, explains how you can refresh an Access Token.

Security Consideration

Refresh Tokens are long-lived. They usually last for up to 30 days. For this reason you should always store Refresh Tokens securely and keep it from potential attackers. You should never use a Refresh Token in hostile applications such as a javascript web application